Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chinaunlimited and the “Green City” Nanning

The striking city Nanning is the capital and center of science and technology, education, culture and sanitation of Guangxi Province in southeast China.

The city is located along the Yong River, which later becomes the Yu River, which affords a good route to Guangzhou and is navigable by shallow-draft junks and motor launches, even though it is obstructed by rapids and sandbanks.

Nanning can be the jumping off point for scenic Guilin, with its world famous hill-scape, northern and western Guangxi and its minority villages, and the border with Vietnam in the south.

Major attractions in Nanning are, the Guangxi Museum, the Guangxi Botanical Garden, the Golden Scented-Tea Park and the Minorities Cultural Relics Center.

Natural beauty can be found in the state forest reserve Liangfengjiang River Scenic Spot, the Daming Mountain, the Qingxiu Mountains Landscape.

Next to this there are Lingshui Hot Spring, a large constant hot spring and the Yangmei Ancient Town. The Beiqiu ruins of Dingshishan Mountain is one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in China.

Many karaoke halls and, newsstands, bookshops and cultural markets can be found everywhere in the beautiful vicinity of Nanning, which is is known as the “Green City” because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage.

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